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Survey finds men don’t use sunscreen in winter

Sudbury Living Magazine November 1, 2011 Health/Beauty/Active Lifestyles No Comments

(CNW) While many Canadian men are layering up in flannel shirts and long johns this winter, results from a recent survey commissioned by the Melanoma Network of Canada show they are forgetting one important layer of protection: sunscreen. Just four percent of men wear sunscreen in the winter, putting them at risk of developing skin cancer from winter sun exposure.

Ninety percent of melanomas, the deadliest form of skin cancer, are caused by exposure to UV radiation from light and sunlight.

Winter conditions create a particularly advantageous environment for intensifying UV radiation. Snow reflects as much as 80 percent of UV radiation, which is much higher than the amount reflected by water or dry beach sand even in summer. Melanoma is the second most common cancer in young adults aged 18-34

2. The incidence of melanoma has more than tripled over the last thirty years and continues to increase.

3.  Julia Murray, a Canadian Olympic Ski Cross athlete, is all too familiar with the consequences of not protecting your skin in the winter. She lost her father Dave Murray - a two-time Olympian and member of the infamous Crazy Canucks - from an advanced form of skin cancer when she was very young. As a result, she is doing everything she can to help raise awareness of this cause, including teaming up with the Melanoma Network of Canada to educate Canadians on the dangers of UV radiation in winter months.

Winter sun safety tips:

Melanoma Network Canada urges Canadians to protect themselves from UV radiation by wearing sunscreen in the winter.
•Wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher on all exposed areas, and apply just before going outside.
•Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or after excessive sweating.
•Protect yourself with clothing, a hat with a brim, and sunglasses year-round.
•Check your skin monthly to detect malignant melanoma early.
•More information on winter sun safety is available at

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