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Councillors Vagnini, Montpellier acclaimed

In accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, the City of Greater Sudbury City Solicitor and Clerk has declared the following candidates to be elected by acclamation, as the number of candidates running for the office is the same as the number required for the role.


Ward 2 Councillor
Michael Vagnini


Ward 3 Councillor
Germain (Gerry) Montpellier


Rainbow District School Board
Zone 3: Judy Kosmerly


Sudbury Catholic District School Board
Zone 1: Estelle Scappatura
Zone 2: Raymond Desjardins
Zone 3: Michael Bellmore
Zone 5: Alex Cimino


Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario
Zone 7: Lynn Despatie
Zone 8: Robert Boileau
Zone 9: Julie Olivier
Zone 10: Jean-Marc Aubin
Zone 11: Francine Vaillancourt
Zone 12: François Boudreau


An official list of certified and acclaimed candidates is available at



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