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Lakehead University

Our Story: First Things First

Our Story: First Things First

In our story about Greater Sudbury, we must first acknowledge the First People of this territory. When the Europeans arrived, they made contact with the Whitefish Lake Ojibwa, “hardy self-reliant people who led a semi-nomadic life following the food cycle of fish, game and plants,” wrote E.G Higgins in Sudbury Then & Now, published in [...]

February 28, 2014 Sudbury Living Magazine Sudbury's Stories, Uncategorized 0

Sudbury’s police chief moving to Victoria

Sudbury’s police chief moving to Victoria See story by Northern Life.       Meet Sudbury’s  Police Chief (2010)   BY VICKI GILHULA Sudbury’s police chief did time in jail. Frank Elsner associated with criminals and partied with drug users, bikers, and hookers. He set up elaborate drug deals, disappeared for weeks on end, was involved in a hitman operation, [...]

September 17, 2013 Vicki Gilhula Lifestyle 0

LU student is Maclean’s cover girl

Kelly Nootchtai is now known in her home community of Atikmakesheng Anishnawbek, an Aboriginal reserve located near Naughton, as the “Maclean’s cover girl.” The 20-year-old, third-year Laurentian University philosophy and native studies double major is featured on the cover of Maclean’s magazine’s 2011 university rankings edition, which was released last week. She is one of [...]

September 1, 2011 Sudbury Living Magazine Students 0